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Pets and animals
Gary Lavania
Gary Lavania ·

Good morning North Bay!

It's a lovely day outside. Are you taking your cat out for a walk by the lake? Where do you take your dog out for daily walks?

For dogs, in this month, consider checking the spaces between their paw pads regularly for ice ball accumulation. As temperatures fluctuate between freezing and thawing, these ice balls can form quickly during walks and cause pain or injury.

Applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly or specialized paw wax before walks to prevent snow from sticking, then thoroughly dry paws afterward with a towel.

If you are a cat person, pay special attention to their water sources. Indoor heating systems combined with cold outdoor temperatures can create very dry air, leading to dehydration even in winter months. Try placing multiple shallow water dishes throughout your home and consider adding a pet fountain, as many cats prefer moving water. Some cats also enjoy ice cubes in their water during dry winter months, which can increase their water intake.

Would love to hear what you do to keep your pet happy :-)

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